Throughout over 50 years of innovation and discovery, Langenburg Research has cultivated aspects of applied physics, engineering, biochemistry, quantum field, biology, medicine, bioregenerative medicine including advanced stem cell therapies – applying the exotic properties of water and light to develop new core tech applications that can convert, manipulate and regenerate material and biological matter in ways thought to have been impossible.
20th-century innovations of Langenburg Research are of a far older origin through lines
of the German aristocracy.
The resulting suite of core technology solutions are set to provide the most advanced possibilities transformative to integrative medicine, quantum-bioregenerative engineering, and also for civil-industrial waste-to-energy, noncarbon hydrogen-based fuel synthesis, and water remediation/
reclamation/purification systems.
The many core technology applications comprise the service offerings of Langenburg Technologies to provide a new generation of clean-tech systems for heavy industry, and for the civil-municipal utility infrastructure. The solutions represent the first truly green, zero-residual, non-carbon, emission-free energy solutions capable of operating regeneratively as a self-sustaining and
closed-cycle processing system.
Langenburg's research and development operations in the 1950s and 1960s have led to many of the most prominent advancements in recent history for the commercial and military sectors of aerospace propulsion, space propulsion, computer sciences, and among many well-known innovations in the automotive industry. This work has also produced highly advanced bioregenerative engineering solutions that operate on a cellular, genetic and neurophysical level.
PrinzAlbrecht zu Hohenlohe~Langenburg

The Langenburg Technologies symbol is an authentic ancient insignia of Germanic heraldry featuring three stylized dragons on a crowned shield, each representing a dynastic age. Its crown represents a far earlier royal heritage linked to origins of the Holy Roman Empire and throughout prehistoric Europe, classical antiquity, the middle ages, and the modern era.
Schloss Langenburg is the princely residence of Hohenlohe–Langenburg; an architectural monument and symbol of cultural significance in southern Germany. It is recognized as a jewel of Renaissance-era architectural design.
The noble line of descent known as The Princely Dynasty of The Lords of Hohenlohe dates back to the year 1170, evolving from the earlier era of The Lords of Langenburg. The Royal insignia of The Princes of Hohenlohe - House Order of the Phoenix, is elaborated by the motto "ex flammis clarior " (from the flames brighter ) embellished upon its castle in Germany Schloss Langenburg. The stately royal legacy is rich in the physical sciences, medical biochemistry and engineering, imported from Germany to Southern California during the 1960's by Hungarian inventor Prinz Albrecht zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg
(aka Dr. Max Langenburg).
By The Power of Water™ and The Power of Light™, solve the most complex challenges to human health and for global civil-infrastructure. The ongoing mission will involve deployment and implementation of Langenburg's systems for waste-conversion-to-energy, water purification, noncarbon fuel synthesis, municipal water purification, and consumer grid power production – including new practical solutions for the hydrogen economy. Langenburg is currently preparing to introduce a new class of integrative medicine, with restorative technologies representing breakthrough-level bioregeneratives, and
revolutionary stem cell methods.
Equipment built at its R&D facility in Eugene, Oregon USA